Gorenjska Region NGO Cluster

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Results of the Grozd project
The project entitled Gorenjska Region NGO Cluster enables the transfer of information which is critical to associations and other non-governmental organisations. We employ our know-how to offer support for the development of non-governmental organisations and to connect them with other organisations offering their know-how and experience. We organise workshops, learning and training events, and conduct campaigns to advocate better (financial) conditions for non-governmental organisations. We work with municipalities, public institutions, and organisations towards addressing challenges in the community, and seek new high-quality sustainable solutions, especially in the field of inclusive society and longevity.
If your non-governmental organisation has encountered an obstacle or if you would like to work with us, get in touch.
Get in touch
Gorenjska Region NGO Cluster
We are included in the network of regional junctions of Gorenjska Region NGO Cluster.
You can find us here